this is Umar. he got a new hair cut, n perangai pon makin menjadi-jadi! fuuuhh!
notice the scars on his face!! sgt nakal, but i like him tho! :)
this kid eats a LOT! she keeps on eating, xkesah org kiri n kanan. n she calls herself "dedek".haha
this is what she did when i asked her to 'senyum nmpak gigi'. oh yeah, she's the one singing Bieber's BABY as "bibik, bibik oh, bibik, bibik, oh" instead of "baby baby oh". HAHAHA
budak-budak ni gaye je lebih.haish
after shuffle yg x brape nk menjadi.pengsan sorang2!
here are random pics for some of the nieces n nephews. i have a lot more, tp malas nk cari dh.haha
oh yeah, mase my aunt meninggal haritu, i gotta see some other nephews n nieces jugak. my cousin's kids.
when he passed me, i thought it was a girl. but when i looked at him again, sah2 la si Danish. it's been a while that i din get to see him.rambut pon dh pjg, cm Noh Hujan pon ade.eceee..
it's so hard to get his picture. well, bdk ensem bajet mahal la kan?!hehe
this is Elina.i found it a bit hard to communicate with her coz she can only understand English n Srawak! :D
surprisingly, she's even bigger than her elder sister!wallaweh kan??n i could still remember when she mad at someone, she was yelling ala2 mak datin gitu: "hey u!!blablabla". ouch.