has to go matter how happy or stress u r..
physics+calculus+eng4U=stress+unstable emotion. dat's my conclusion for now..
i've screwd up my 1st phy test yesterday n again i've to walk back to casa, instead of taking bus..da bus is too late n we decided to walk..wah, ari2 bgini, b'tmbh kuros la sy!! exercise scr xlgsung..heh.. dh byk ari jln kaki, polis trafik pun dh knl kowt!!haish..
smpi casa, pnat yg melampau..i din do any homework but i juz sleep!!pnat+tension!!
n da worst thing is i still cannot get my latest calculus lesson!!siyes lembap!!i still can't afford to love math n m not in da mood of having such thing in my can i love math, n even calculus??i din score for my advanced function n calculus cn b said as my last hope to fly..evry subject plays a big role for my future..evrythg..i can't accept da fact dat i failed my pre-U..
no, it's a big "NO"..i'm gonna b in a huge pressure, from my fmly esp. i can predict wut will they say if i din score well.."tu la, sape suro tkr course..ambek medic xnk!!dh dpt, pg pndi2 tkr plak!! now xdpt fly, PADAN MUKE!!!" i'm sure i'll b hearing diz kind of thing..huk3.. i need some time n space to get myself into a comfortable state, whre i manage to overcome all da obstacles coming n always in da study mood. i've to b strong,put more effort, less njoy+hangouts n more FOCUS!!!i knew it, but y i can't make it true?? owh PPL, plz give me strength to b better diz semester..i have to fly!!i want my dreams to come's frustrating when u dissapoint ur beloved ones n even urself, aite??n so do i..oleh itu, sy kne brubah!!!ye, itu sdh pasti!!
How to save a life
1 month ago
kalau tak pening bkn icpu kot. all the best. jr.